Saturday, 3 August 2013


                                                      The grand Imam Ayatullah Khomeini

The Iranian Ambassador to Tanzania Syed Agha Jaffari Mahadi addressing the conference inside Mtoro Mosque in Dar es Salaam yesterday

By Nasser Kigwangallah
THE Iranian Ambassador to Tanzania Syed Agha Jaffari Mahadi has said it is now over three decades ago, since the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Ayotallah Imam Ruhollah Khomeini announced Al-Quds day on the last Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan.
He made his remarks in Dar es Salaam yesterday at Mtoro Mosque to commemorate Al Qudus Day.
He added that this step was taken by the Imam, after the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the ouster of the tyrant, Shah Reza Pahlavi, who was a major ally of the United States and the Zionist entity in the Middle East.
He said as soon as the Iranian people’s revolution triumphed, Imam Khomeini closed the Israeli embassy in Iran ending all kinds of relations with the entity, and inaugurated a Palestinian embassy.
“Imam Khomeini was the first in the world to take such a step in support of the Palestinian cause, and Iran was the first country to celebrate this day,” he said.
According to him, later on, the Arab and Islamic world adopted this call by organizing yearly marches to express their adherence to the Palestinian cause, and their honour to Al-Quds as a major Islamic sanctity.
This year, as usual in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital was a pivotal stage to the Muslims to show their solidarity with Palestinian cause and curse the Israeli brutal regime.
People all over the world and particularly the Middle East,  started revealing awareness and taking action for supporting righteous causes, such as the Arab revolutions as well as the marches against Israel on Al-Nakba and Al-Naksa day.
Friday the 2nd of August, being the last Friday of the Month of Ramadan this year, and various rallies have been organized to take place on this day to reassure that the Palestinian cause will always exist in the conscience of every free person in the world.
Speaking on the occasion, Sheikh Musa Kundecha, the leader of Islamic Institutions and grand Imam of Mchangani Mosque said the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran was a great boost for the Palestinian issue.
He said added that Imam Khomeini's universal recommendations as, the revival of religious culture, the negation of hegemonic powers, disrupting the cruel governors on the universal politics, reviving the Islamic traditions like Abrahamic Hajj, undermining the illegitimate existence of Israel, Quds' freedom, defending the liberal movements and the movement toward the divine spirituality and the exalted values.
“Imam Khomeini was very decisive and determined in the fulfillment of his goals toward Palestine and he delivered his promises even in the first days of Iran's revolution by closing Israel's embassy in Tehran and handing it over to the Palestinians,” he said.
The announcement of Quds day, as the last Friday of Ramadan month, is promising for new movements to restore the world of Islam's support for the Muslims all over the world to be mobilized for liberation of Al Quds. 
Imam Khomeini's view to the Middle East's critical issues, especially Palestine, was always along with an intellectual perspective and based on the divine verses, Palestinians' desires and the Muslim's public thoughts.
His perspectives were completely different from other Arabic and Western governments' analysis.
The spirit of the Islamic revolution leadership has been constantly kept alive in all eras. Referring to all Imam Khomeini's lectures, words, works, and his practical tradition, we can come to conclusion that his leadership responsibility regarding the Palestine's issue is completely distinct from the other tendencies which step forward against the oppressed Palestinians' real desires.

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