By Nasser Kigwangallah
THE Palestinian 2nd Secretary Derari
Ghanamu has called on Muslims all over the world to support the Palestinian
cause against the brutal repression from the Zionists of Israeli.
He said Palestinians were living under duress and
Israeli soldiers do not want to see young people pray in the Al Aqsa Mosque,
the sacred Muslim entity.
He said Muslims
must keep Quds Day alive.
“I have
repeatedly commented regarding Israel's avarice and that it will not be content
with the lands it has already occupied,” he said.
He added: “You
have now witnessed that it has chosen Jerusalem as its capital.”
He said
that all the statements that the United States and human rights organizations
announce are inconsistent utterances.
And thus
you see that they disapprove of Israel's action, but it pays no heed.
should criticize it, in turn, and denounce them.
This trend
is such because is nothing serious. America is not really against Jerusalem
being Israel's capital; otherwise, it would not have been able to take such a
step. This is all just a show. And human rights organizations and other such
institutions are all allies.
They have
all joined hands to plunder the Muslims and others in Asia and Africa, but,
unfortunately, the Muslims are still not conscious of this.
The nations
must themselves stand up against such oppression for the governments are
generally on their side and thus you see that the Muslims; that is, the Islamic
governments show no reaction to America's aggression. And if an Islamic
government does say something, it is just words and nothing more.
You have
witnessed how savagely they treated our dear sons, daughters, and our dear
university students, and how bravely they held out, holding clenched fists,
against the American police and the other security forces.
They bore
all the blows and the atrocities of the Americans, but did not yield at all on
their (principled) stand.
must learn what to do from these youth who are from Iran and are living abroad,
whether in Britain, Europe or America.
We are
disappointed with the governments, but the people are all right.
But what
was the reaction of the nations to the American atrocities and, recently, also
to what the British did to our zealous youth?! If there was any reaction it was
from among the Iranian youth there and maybe, just in a few instances, their
own people showed sympathy.
overall, the nations did not demonstrate much sympathy and this is because the
Muslim nations have not yet grasped the teachings of Islam.
Sheikh Alli Bassaleh and The Balfour Declaration
of 1917
The grand Imam of Idrisa Mosque in
Karikakko, Dar es Salaam said the Balfour Declaration was made in
November 1917.
The Balfour Declaration led the
Jewish community in Britain and America into believing that Great Britain would
support the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
On November 2nd 1917, Arthur James
Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary of the time, wrote to Lord Rothschild.
The Rothschild’s were considered by many Jews to be one the most influential of
all Jewish families– they were certainly one of the wealthiest. Their influence
in America was considered to be very important to the British government.
Balfour declared his support for the
establishment of a Jewish homeland in the area known as Palestine – though there had
to be safeguards for the "rights of non-Jewish communities in
This communication was accepted by
the Jewish community as Great Britain’s support for a Jewish homeland.
Other nations that fought for the
Allies offered their support for the declaration.
However, from a Palestinian Arab
point of view, the same area had been promised to them for siding with the
Allies in World War One and fighting against the Turks who were fighting on the
side of the Germans.
Therefore, when Britain was given Palestine to govern as a
League of Nation's mandate at the end of the war, both the Jews and the Arabs
believed that they had been betrayed as both believed that they had been
promised the same piece of land.
After 1918, politics in the Middle
East was to become a lot more complicated as many Jews took the Balfour
Declaration as read and emigrated to Palestine.
The Arabs there saw the increasing
number of Jews moving to the region as a threat to their way of life and
problems quickly multiplied.