Sunday, 10 March 2013

PSPF organises an annual meeting in Dar es Salaam

By Nasser Kigwangallah

THE  minister for Labour and Employment, Ms Gaudensia Kabaka, has underscored the need for pension funds to serve their members diligently so as to attract more members to join their Fund in this era of competition.

The minister made the remarks in her key note address when she was closing the two days Public Service Pension Fund annual meeting in Dar es Salaam on Friday.


She said: “I have been attending such meetings organized by Pension Funds in the country order to learn more on their functions and how they serve their members.”


She added that she was overwhelmed by the attendance of so many members from all over the country and urged PSPF to continue with the efforts of involving their members in their undertakings.


She urged the management to continue with their efforts of collecting money and invest in various development projects for the welfare of their members.


“I assure you that I have taken all suggestions and requests to the government and my ministry would do whatever it could to act on those recommendations without delay,” she said.


Minister Kabaka urged the PSPF management to do whatever it could to ensure that the Fund is known to its members so as to remove any misunderstandings, by using the media and other outlets.


“Sell your products through advertisements so that many people could join the Fund of their own choice,” she said.


She also urged Social Security Regulatory Authority (SSRA)

 to involve all its stakeholders, to hear their views and act on their suggestions.


On his part, George Yambesi, the PSPF Chairman said the purpose of organizing such a meeting was to educate its members on how PSPF functions and that their money was at a safe place.


“We have received so many feedback from our members and we are going to act on them immediately,” he said.






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